

The working environment is where many people spend the majority of their day. It is now proven that modern advances in lighting type and quality enhances the productivity and feeling of wellbeing by staff

Adding an intelligent control system to such products mean that energy savings can also be made, while improving boardrooms through automation and making technology easy to use by staff. Home Automation pvt ltd has been installed in many commercial offices around the world, why not include it in your next project?

Staffing requirements are reduced due to the automation of blinds, curtains, lighting and heating, cooling and ventilation systems. It is not necessary for a person to switch these systems on and off again at the beginning and end of each day. Simply allow the intelligent products to intelligently run the systems based on time of day, astrological clock, and other factors such as room occupancy, temperature, natural-brightness levels and more.

Car Showrooms

If there is one thing that car show-rooms should not compromise on, its the lighting. In order to show off the lines and curves and increase sales of the latest model cars, many show-rooms leave some lights on 24 hours per day, to show off the products to passers by.

Thanks to our long experience with stage lighting and automation systems, we are the clear choice for any type of showroom. The BMW showroom pictured above made use of over 800 lighting channels enabling total illumination control.

Centralised monitoring and control is another reason why so many buildings choose to go “smart”. With energy monitoring in place, a maintenance office can monitor where the energy is being used, and therefore calculated how to make further savings.

Educational Institutions

Both public and private sector institutions use Home Automation technology for environmental control added security. For example the Colleges to control the HVAC, lighting, blinds/shutters, and security.

A special request they made was for a secure system that teachers could control via their iOS or Android devices, and to make the wall-panels tamper proof.

Because every device is smart, there is an opportunity to enhance the automated feature of just about any aspect of the system by programming in as much automation as you desire. Here at the Home automation offices, lights are off, the air-conditioning off, and the blinds are down until the first person walks into the room during that day.


Technology can enhance the atmosphere in such venues by controlling lighting, heating, environmental and AV systems. Control panels can be hidden from view, retaining the aesthetics of the building. The systems are easy to use and reliable, designed to be used, day after day, year after year.

The value and benefits of smart-building technology for commercial premises cannot be understated. There are several factors that can influence the decision to automate buildings. Building managers and owners around the world are already saving money, time and effort, while having attained added convenience and security.